Brazing procedure Qualification
7 May 2021


Brazing Procedure Qualification

Brazing is a process of joining dis-similar metal, where as welding is a process of joining similar metal. In this blog we can see about some of the details in Brazing procedure qualification Brazing involves melting of filler metal and flowing over the joining surfaces….
Quality control certification
4 May 2021

blogs, Training

Quality Control QC course on Advanced Quality Tools

Quality is a characteristic which defines the products degree of serving the purpose and life of the product. Quality is the most essential, among the objectives to be achieved to run a successful company,  it is the most important tool to earn customers faith.
Welder qualification record
23 April 2021


Welding Procedure Specification- WPS for Overlay or cladding

Welding Procedure Specification- WPS This document details, how to qualify a welding procedure specification-wps for weld metal overlay / cladding / surfacing , for both corrosion resistance overlay and wear resistance overlay welding. The reference standard selected for the purpose of qualification of cladding procedure and…
12 April 2021


Acceptance Criteria for Ultrasonic Testing

How to interpret Acceptance Criteria for Ultrasonic Testing as per AWS D1.1 The Requirements of Ultrasonic Flaw detector equipment as per AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Welding code is given below: Equipment: The ultrasonic equipment’s shall be pulse echo type ‘A’ scan suitable for use with transducers…
Welder training in coimbatore
3 April 2021


What are the tasks to be considered during Welding Operations?

TASKS DURING WELDING OPERATIONS Welding inspection during welding operations should include all the audit parameters to verify that the welding is performed to the procedures. Such tasks may include the following: Quality Assurance Establish a quality assurance and quality control team with the welding organization. Quality control items to assess: …
UT Inspection services
30 March 2021


Non Relevant Ultrasonic Indications

Non relevant Ultrasonic Indications can usually be identified as one of the following: Electrical Interference Interference form the transducer (search unit) Interference form the surface of the specimen Interference caused by mode conversion of the sound beam Interference caused by the shape of the…
Magnetic particle inspection
24 March 2021



The following should be considered when selecting equipment for magnetic particle testing. Is equipment for wet or dry method? Magnetization requirements (AC or DC) Demagnetization- incorporated or separate unit? Ampere required. Line voltage requirements. Accessories needed or required. WET HORIZONTAL EQUIPMENT To obtain circular magnetization, the…
Standards on piping inspection
12 March 2021


Standards for Piping Design and Inspection

Standards for Piping Design and Inspection: The original ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping was first introduced in 1935 as the single document for piping design. In 1955, ASME began to separate the code into sections…
Ultrsonic testing
9 March 2021


ISO Standards for Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Testing In Ultrasonic Testing we use something called “Ultrasonic Vibrations” we must know two facts about a vibration: A vibration is a back and forth movement. A vibration is energy in motion A depression of a surface from its normal position is called a displacement.
ultra sonic testing services
2 March 2021


Sensitivity setting for ultrasonic testing as per ISO 17640

Range and Sensitivity Setting  for Ultrasonic testing Setting of range and sensitivity shall be carried out prior to each testing in according to this procedure. The temprture difference between the time of range and sensitivity setting and time of test should be within ± 15°C. Checks…