Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT
30 June 2021

blogs, Training

Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT

Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT as per ASME , AWS and API standards Liquid penetrant testing simply called as PT. Sometimes Dye Penetrant Testing is a surface defect detection NDT  method and is more sensitive to all kind of surface defects, such as…
cast iron
24 May 2021

blogs, Training

Cast Iron and Its Types

What is a cast iron? Cast iron are ferrous alloys with greater than 2% carbon. They also contain small amounts of other materials such as silicon, sulphur, manganese, & phosphorous. In general it consists alloys of carbon & iron. They are the least expensive of all metals and…
ndt testing on pressure vessel
20 February 2021


Pressure Vessel Inspection- Non Destructive Testing In Service

What is pressure vessel? Pressure vessel is closed container which holds liquids or gasses at a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure. Definition of Pressure vessel as per ASME BPVC section VIII , Div 1, U1. Pressure vessel are containers for containment of pressure, either external…
Non Destructive Testing course
6 November 2020


What is Non Destructive Testing ?

Non Destructive Testing , NDT , is industrial method for analyzing the characteristics of material or finding the discontinuities in the material & Weld joints, without damaging the material. NDT is otherwise called as, Non Destructive Evaluation –NDE, Non Destructive Inspection (NDI) and it a…
3 November 2020


Difference between Destructive and Non Destructive testing

Get the Difference between Destructive and Non Destructive testing here: Non Destructive Testing  (NDT): NDT is industrial method for analyzing the characteristics of material or finding the discontinuities in the material & Weld joints, without damaging the material. NDT is otherwise called as, Non Destructive Evaluation –NDE….
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing
29 October 2020


What is Ultrasonic Thickness Testing ?

Ultrasonic Testing Ultrasonic Testing utilizes high frequency sound waves which are not audible to human ears. The Ultrasonic sound waves are used for measurements of thickness of any material. General frequency used in ultrasonic thickness measurements probe is 5 Mega Hertz and above. The probe is placed over…
Ultrsonic testing
16 October 2020


Principle of Ultrasonic Testing

This blog will let you know about the principle of Ultrasonic testing What is Ultrasonic Testing? Ultrasonic Testing Uses high frequency sound energy to conduct examinations & make measurements. It can be used for flaw detection, Dimensional measurements.
Gamma Radiographic testing - AQC
6 October 2020


What is Gamma Radiography Testing ?

What is Gamma Radiography Testing? Gamma rays are produced by a radio isotope. A radioisotope has an unstable nuclei that does not have enough binding energy to hold the nucleus together. The spontaneous breakdown of an atomic nucleus resulting in the release of energy…
Ultrasonic Testing
28 September 2020


Ultrasonic Testing for materials

What is Ultrasonic Testing? ULTRASONIC TESTING is a method for sending ultrasound into material and analyzing the returning sound waves for defect free components. It use scanning devices called probes. After application of Couplant over the material surface probe is place over the material. The sound travels…
15 September 2020


What is the Scope of NDT Certification

Scope of NDT Certification The below instructions answers the questions What is NDT ? What is NDT and what is it used for ? Why is NDT Necessary ? When is NDT Necessary ? IS NDT Certifications use Full ? What are certifications in NDT…