Pipe welding-AQC
1 September 2021


Welding Standards-Positions for Welding Pipe

Positions for Welding Pipe For welding pipe in shops, power plants, oil refineries, and chemical plants for crude oil, gasoline, and natural gas, the same basic welding positions described previously are used. Flat Butt Weld Pipe Position…
visual inspection on welding
31 July 2021



The NDT (nondestructive testing) methods are: Visual Inspection – VT Liquid Penetrant Testing – LT Magnetic Particle Testing – MT Radiographic Testing – RT Ultrasonic Testing – UT Eddy Current Testing – ET (not used in field inspection) Acoustic Emission Testing – AET (not…
Radiography Testing equipments
8 July 2021


Equipments and materials for NDT lab set up

Equipments and materials for NDT lab set up Radiography Testing: 1) X-Ray tube head -450 kV capacity ( only if construction of a exposure room with approval from government is possible) 2) RT Films (D4 ) 3) lead screen 0.125mm, 0.25 mm 4) Film casettes 5) set of IQI -wire…
Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT
30 June 2021

blogs, Training

Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT

Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT as per ASME , AWS and API standards Liquid penetrant testing simply called as PT. Sometimes Dye Penetrant Testing is a surface defect detection NDT  method and is more sensitive to all kind of surface defects, such as…
cast iron
24 May 2021

blogs, Training

Cast Iron and Its Types

What is a cast iron? Cast iron are ferrous alloys with greater than 2% carbon. They also contain small amounts of other materials such as silicon, sulphur, manganese, & phosphorous. In general it consists alloys of carbon & iron. They are the least expensive of all metals and…
12 April 2021


Acceptance Criteria for Ultrasonic Testing

How to interpret Acceptance Criteria for Ultrasonic Testing as per AWS D1.1 The Requirements of Ultrasonic Flaw detector equipment as per AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Welding code is given below: Equipment: The ultrasonic equipment’s shall be pulse echo type ‘A’ scan suitable for use with transducers…
UT Inspection services
30 March 2021


Non Relevant Ultrasonic Indications

Non relevant Ultrasonic Indications can usually be identified as one of the following: Electrical Interference Interference form the transducer (search unit) Interference form the surface of the specimen Interference caused by mode conversion of the sound beam Interference caused by the shape of the…
Magnetic particle inspection
24 March 2021



The following should be considered when selecting equipment for magnetic particle testing. Is equipment for wet or dry method? Magnetization requirements (AC or DC) Demagnetization- incorporated or separate unit? Ampere required. Line voltage requirements. Accessories needed or required. WET HORIZONTAL EQUIPMENT To obtain circular magnetization, the…
Standards on piping inspection
12 March 2021


Standards for Piping Design and Inspection

Standards for Piping Design and Inspection: The original ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping was first introduced in 1935 as the single document for piping design. In 1955, ASME began to separate the code into sections…
Ultrsonic testing
9 March 2021


ISO Standards for Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Testing In Ultrasonic Testing we use something called “Ultrasonic Vibrations” we must know two facts about a vibration: A vibration is a back and forth movement. A vibration is energy in motion A depression of a surface from its normal position is called a displacement.