part time QC courses
1 October 2020

blogs, Job Assistance, Training

Part Time QC courses

What is Quality control? Quality Control (QC) is a department in industries which carries activities of quality inspection, testing and ensures Quality of the product is up to the required standards. But the quality control engineers have various up gradation for attaining high paid jobs by…
Ultrasonic Testing
28 September 2020


Ultrasonic Testing for materials

What is Ultrasonic Testing? ULTRASONIC TESTING is a method for sending ultrasound into material and analyzing the returning sound waves for defect free components. It use scanning devices called probes. After application of Couplant over the material surface probe is place over the material. The sound travels…
15 September 2020


What is the Scope of NDT Certification

Scope of NDT Certification The below instructions answers the questions What is NDT ? What is NDT and what is it used for ? Why is NDT Necessary ? When is NDT Necessary ? IS NDT Certifications use Full ? What are certifications in NDT…
6 August 2020


Inspection test plan – QA QC Course for Mechanical Engineers

QA QC : Quality Control or Quality Assurance is most prioritized department in all industries ranging from Steel Plants to research and development projects. Quality Assurance is the act of streaming the manufacturing process in align with quality requirements Quality Control is the act of checking the…
Radiography Testing
3 August 2020


How is Radiography testing used for finding defects?

Here we would see How is Radiography testing used for finding defects?For Example look at the RT film here Find the Defect inside the Casting? Answer: Shrinkage – Sponge Shrinkage Shrinkage are volumetric defects caused during solidification…
QA/ QC course
14 July 2020

Job Assistance

Non Destructive Testing – NDT jobs in Canada

Non Destructive Testing has a lot of scope in Canada and European Countries. Here we provide the procedures for getting Canada Visa and get NDT jobs in Canada How to apply for a Canadian PR (Permanent Residency)? Check your Eligibility for Express Entry Express Entry is…
part time QC courses
22 June 2020


Advanced Ultrasonic Testing Methods

AQC Inspection provides some information on advanced Ultrasonic Testing (UT ) methods here. Conventional Ultrasonics: Conventional Ultrasonic method is generally used in all industries, since it was invented in the year 1940 by Dr.Floyd Firestone an U.S researcher from University of Michigan and named it “Flaw…
ultra sonic testing services
10 June 2020


How is Ultrasonic testing used for finding defects?

How is Ultrasonic testing used for finding defects? All you need to know about Ultrasonic Testing from AQC- Best Ndt Training Institute and Ultrasonic Testing Service provider in Coimbatore , TamilNadu, India Ultrasonic Sound is sound propagating in higher frequencies that are not audible to…
Non Destructive Testing course
9 June 2020


Best NDT Training Institute

How to run a good training institute and become Best NDT Training Institute? NDT is Non destructive Testing.Testing of Materials for detection and locating of defects without destructing the material and also without changing…
Welder Qualification
2 June 2020


How to qualify a welder?

This blog will let you know how to qualify a welder. Purpose of welder qualification: To certify the ability of the welder to perform a specific welding process based on the qualified Welding Procedure Specification WPS, about qualification of welding procedure as per standard , I…