Ultrasonic Testing
28 September 2020


Ultrasonic Testing for materials

What is Ultrasonic Testing? ULTRASONIC TESTING is a method for sending ultrasound into material and analyzing the returning sound waves for defect free components. It use scanning devices called probes. After application of Couplant over the material surface probe is place over the material. The sound travels…
Welding procedure-AQC
18 September 2020


Welding Inspections- All you need to know about Metals

Welding is a process of joining similar metals, i.e. Metals with same base content and similar properties or melting point.There are different types of welding methods based on the process of welding. Generally it involves heating of the metal and fusing them, with or…
15 September 2020


What is the Scope of NDT Certification

Scope of NDT Certification The below instructions answers the questions What is NDT ? What is NDT and what is it used for ? Why is NDT Necessary ? When is NDT Necessary ? IS NDT Certifications use Full ? What are certifications in NDT…
Radiography Testing
3 August 2020


How is Radiography testing used for finding defects?

Here we would see How is Radiography testing used for finding defects?For Example look at the RT film here Find the Defect inside the Casting? Answer: Shrinkage – Sponge Shrinkage Shrinkage are volumetric defects caused during solidification…
Magnetic particle inspection
31 July 2020


Magnetic Particle Testing (MPI) Method for Castings

Magnetic Particle Inspection MPI or Magnetic Particle Testing MT is the method for finding Linear Defects  in Ferro Magnetic Materials by utilization of Magnetic Field. Only ferromagnetic materials can be inspected using MPI test. The…
Radiography Testing equipments
16 July 2020


How is Radiography Testing Done?

Radiography Testing or X ray Testing: Radiography Testing uses electromagnetic radiation from a source to capture image of the object. The source used may be gamma radiation emitting source or an X ray emitting source. Either of the radiation have capability of penetrating into matter…
29 June 2020


Ultrasonic testing of Weld Joints

Ultrasonic Testing involves utilization of ultrasonic sound waves to detect defects inside a material. The welded joints have possibilities of defects inside the welds , or sometime near the weld zone. The few of defects that are often found in welds are Porosity, Cracks, Slag Inclusion,…
part time QC courses
22 June 2020


Advanced Ultrasonic Testing Methods

AQC Inspection provides some information on advanced Ultrasonic Testing (UT ) methods here. Conventional Ultrasonics: Conventional Ultrasonic method is generally used in all industries, since it was invented in the year 1940 by Dr.Floyd Firestone an U.S researcher from University of Michigan and named it “Flaw…
Standards on piping inspection
17 June 2020


Ultrasonic Testing on tanks/pipeline.

Ultrasonic Testing on tanks/pipeline: Oil and gas pipelines are designed with wall thickness considering the facts of Design pressure + Corrosion allowance +safety factor. Corrosion thickness testing Using UTT: The corrosion allowance is decided by pre-existing data of…
ultra sonic testing services
10 June 2020


How is Ultrasonic testing used for finding defects?

How is Ultrasonic testing used for finding defects? All you need to know about Ultrasonic Testing from AQC- Best Ndt Training Institute and Ultrasonic Testing Service provider in Coimbatore , TamilNadu, India Ultrasonic Sound is sound propagating in higher frequencies that are not audible to…