cast iron
24 May 2021

blogs, Training

Cast Iron and Its Types

What is a cast iron? Cast iron are ferrous alloys with greater than 2% carbon. They also contain small amounts of other materials such as silicon, sulphur, manganese, & phosphorous. In general it consists alloys of carbon & iron. They are the least expensive of all metals and…
UT Inspection services
30 March 2021


Non Relevant Ultrasonic Indications

Non relevant Ultrasonic Indications can usually be identified as one of the following: Electrical Interference Interference form the transducer (search unit) Interference form the surface of the specimen Interference caused by mode conversion of the sound beam Interference caused by the shape of the…
Magnetic particle inspection
24 March 2021



The following should be considered when selecting equipment for magnetic particle testing. Is equipment for wet or dry method? Magnetization requirements (AC or DC) Demagnetization- incorporated or separate unit? Ampere required. Line voltage requirements. Accessories needed or required. WET HORIZONTAL EQUIPMENT To obtain circular magnetization, the…
Ultrsonic testing
9 March 2021


ISO Standards for Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Testing In Ultrasonic Testing we use something called “Ultrasonic Vibrations” we must know two facts about a vibration: A vibration is a back and forth movement. A vibration is energy in motion A depression of a surface from its normal position is called a displacement.
acoustic emission sensor
10 February 2021


What is Acoustic emission testing?

ACOUSTIC EMISSION TESTING (AET) Acoustic Emission Test is a type of Non – Destructive Test method generally used for detecting and locating imperfections in mechanically loaded structures or components. Flaw origination and progression in a stressed component can be identified by acoustic emission test method.This…
inspection on pressure vessels
2 February 2021


Inspection of Pressure vessels

What is pressure vessel? Pressure vessel is closed container which holds liquids or gasses at a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure. Definition of Pressure vessel as per ASME BPVC section VIII , Div 1, U1, Pressure vessel are containers for containment of pressure, either external or…
29 January 2021


Heat Treatment of Alloys

What is an Alloy? Since metals are insoluble in water, alcohol; they are mixed with other metals in molten state which upon cooling solidifies to a solid mixture called an Alloy. This solid state mixture is also referred as a homogeneous liquid mixture. Alloys are formed by…
Radiography Testing
26 November 2020


Radiography Testing procedure

An Important principle of Radiography Testing procedure is How to arrange for Radiography Testing? Radiography is Non destructive testing method, which utilizes penetrating electromagnetic radiation for capturing the volumetric images of an object on film or digitally in a computer. Radiography testing broadly uses any of the…
3 November 2020


Difference between Destructive and Non Destructive testing

Get the Difference between Destructive and Non Destructive testing here: Non Destructive Testing  (NDT): NDT is industrial method for analyzing the characteristics of material or finding the discontinuities in the material & Weld joints, without damaging the material. NDT is otherwise called as, Non Destructive Evaluation –NDE….
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing
29 October 2020


What is Ultrasonic Thickness Testing ?

Ultrasonic Testing Ultrasonic Testing utilizes high frequency sound waves which are not audible to human ears. The Ultrasonic sound waves are used for measurements of thickness of any material. General frequency used in ultrasonic thickness measurements probe is 5 Mega Hertz and above. The probe is placed over…