welding institute
23 April 2022


Dissimilar metal in TIG Welding process

Why use this TIG welding process: TIG Tungsten Inert Gas otherwise called as GTAW- Gas Tungsten Arc Welding , Involves melting the metal using the arc created by tungsten electrode, The welding can be done with or without filler metal, Argon Gas is used as shielding around…
welding symbols
20 April 2022



WELDING FOR JOISTS AND FINISHING OF MACHINING RAILS Unless otherwise authorized by the engineer, any welding to the top flange of steel members for supporting floor form joists and finishing machine rails will not be permitted. Welding of hangers and supports to shear studs will…
31 March 2022


Weld Test Coupon Preparation

Bend Test Coupon Preparation First the centerline on the plate shall be marked. Then another line 1.0 inch above the center line  and another line 1 inch below the center line. This is the section that can be used as an alternate coupon in the event…
Welding procedure
18 March 2022



Welding Procedures Follow a clear example of  test coupons welding procedures for a 3G welding certification. In this 3G  welding procedure the notes were taken from the same section of the AWS code that are used for the 3/8 inch limited thickness test procedure.
Welding standards
11 March 2022


Weld defects

Failure investigation often uncovers facts that lead to changes in design, manufacturing, or operating practice, which will eliminate similar failures in the future. Failures of insignificant parts can also lead to advances in knowledge and should be done objectively, as with a large structure. The…
welding inspector
28 February 2022


Welding Inspector certification

Levels of Certification AWS 1:2003 There are three levels of qualifications for welding inspector personnel. These levels are: AWI – Associate Welding Inspector; WI – Welding Inspector; SWI – Senior Welding Inspector. 1.1)      Associate Welding…
welding equipment
15 February 2022



Most field welding machines are portable, that is, they are on a truck and can be moved around. The welding equipment is usually a generator driven by a gasoline-powered engine and puts a DC current that may be reversed by changing the leads. The welding…
2 February 2022


Welding Procedure for Overlay Weld or Cladding

This document covers the procedure to prepare a WPS – Welding Procedure Specification & PQR – Procedure Qualification Record for Overlay weld, Corrosion Resistant Overlay and Wear Resistant Overlay  both. The procedure refers international standard ASME BPVC Section IX, ( American Society of Mechanical Engineers,…
welding electrodes
27 January 2022



Classification of welding electrodes consists of a prefix letter “E” specifying an electrode, a group of two or three digits specifying weld metal strength in ksi in the ‘as-weld’ or stress relieved condition, and a final two digits specifying type of covering, weld position…
Arc welding process
13 January 2022



The welding processes are not the scope of this manual, specific for welding inspections. However, only for refreshing, the most common arc welding processes used in heavy and medium carbon  and alloy steel manufacturing are: SMAW: Shielded Metal Arc Welding – stick welding electrode; GMAW: Gas…