Positions for Welding Pipe

For welding pipe in shops, power plants, oil refineries, and chemical plants for crude oil, gasoline, and natural gas, the same basic welding positions described previously are used.

Pipe welding-AQC

Flat Butt Weld Pipe Position – 1G

A pipe to be welded in the flat position is usually placed on roller dollies or wooden skids. As the pipe is welded, it’s rotated on the dollies or skids. This procedure is the same as the flat position plate welding. The speed of rotation should be the same as the welder’s forward welding speed.

1G weld position

Horizontal Butt Weld Pipe Position – 2G

In this position, the weld around the vertical pipe is the same of a horizontal position plate welding. There is little difference whether the pipe is rotated or fixed because the welding is the same. Either the welder will circle around the joint, or the pipe itself can be turned in a circle if it’s free to rotate.

2G weld position

Multiple Butt Weld Pipe Position – 5G

In this position, the axis of the pipe is horizontal, but can’t be rotated. As the welder works around  the pipe to make the weld, he or she must weld in a number of different positions.

5G weld position

Multiple Butt Weld in Angled Pipe Position – 6G

In this position, the axis of the pipe is at a 45° angle to the horizon. This position is used widely in testing welders’ ability. Therefore, it’s used as an all-position qualification test for pipe welders.

6G weld position

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