Welding procedure specification
18 May 2022


Safety and Precautions during welding

As in any welding process, safety precautions are very important. All information relating to the safe operation of the welding equipment and process must be fully understood before beginning work. A careless welder who does not observe some simple rules can cause a dangerous situation…
Welder Qualification
3 May 2022


Weld crack

Weld crack   1.1. Cracking: If a weld crack is found, it must be removed and magnetic-particle inspection performed to ensure every point has been removed before re-welding. Weld Crack can occur on top of a weld…
welding institute
23 April 2022


Dissimilar metal in TIG Welding process

Why use this TIG welding process: TIG Tungsten Inert Gas otherwise called as GTAW- Gas Tungsten Arc Welding , Involves melting the metal using the arc created by tungsten electrode, The welding can be done with or without filler metal, Argon Gas is used as shielding around…
NDT testing
9 April 2022


NDT Methods Selection

NDT Method Selection: The NDT (nondestructive testing) methods are:   Visual Inspection – VT Liquid Penetrant Testing – LT Magnetic Particle Testing – MT Radiographic Testing – RT Ultrasonic Testing – UT Eddy Current Testing – ET (not used in field inspection) Acoustic Emission Testing –…
31 March 2022


Weld Test Coupon Preparation

Bend Test Coupon Preparation First the centerline on the plate shall be marked. Then another line 1.0 inch above the center line  and another line 1 inch below the center line. This is the section that can be used as an alternate coupon in the event…
Adhesion test
24 February 2022


Adhesion Test on Paints by Tape Test

Painting Inspection, Adhesion Test, QC Training, QC Course X Cut Test (This Document) Cross Cut Tape Test Method A  – X Cut Tape Test An X-Cut is made on the Dry Paint until the bare substrate , a…
mechanical testing
3 December 2021


Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of a material are those properties that involve a reaction to an applied load. The mechanical properties of metals determine the range of usefulness of a material and establish the service life that can be expected. Mechanical properties are also used to…
cast iron
24 May 2021

blogs, Training

Cast Iron and Its Types

What is a cast iron? Cast iron are ferrous alloys with greater than 2% carbon. They also contain small amounts of other materials such as silicon, sulphur, manganese, & phosphorous. In general it consists alloys of carbon & iron. They are the least expensive of all metals and…