NDT services
24 September 2021


Non destructive Testing (NDT)- Common Methods

Non destructive Testing (NDT)- Common Methods are: Visual Inspection – VT Liquid Penetrant Testing – LT Magnetic Particle Testing – MT Radiographic Testing – RT Ultrasonic Testing – UT 1.   Visual Inspection – VT: Visual inspection after welding is very useful in evaluating quality, even if…
Welding procedure specification
17 September 2021


Recommendations for Welding

We would see about Recommendations for Welding of Structural Steel as per AWS D1.1 , 2020 revision Groove Weld: (Clause 4.4.1) Weld Length : shall be the width of the parts joined , perpendicular to the direction of compressive or tensile stress, Weld Size:  Thickness of thinner…
welding certificate approval
10 September 2021



The sole purpose of welding procedures is to describe the details that are to be followed in the welding of specific materials or type of joint. The following is a list of standard specifications for welding procedures that are normally covered in welding procedures…
Radiography Testing equipments
8 July 2021


Equipments and materials for NDT lab set up

Equipments and materials for NDT lab set up Radiography Testing: 1) X-Ray tube head -450 kV capacity ( only if construction of a exposure room with approval from government is possible) 2) RT Films (D4 ) 3) lead screen 0.125mm, 0.25 mm 4) Film casettes 5) set of IQI -wire…
Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT
30 June 2021

blogs, Training

Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT

Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Testing -LPT as per ASME , AWS and API standards Liquid penetrant testing simply called as PT. Sometimes Dye Penetrant Testing is a surface defect detection NDT  method and is more sensitive to all kind of surface defects, such as…
cast iron
24 May 2021

blogs, Training

Cast Iron and Its Types

What is a cast iron? Cast iron are ferrous alloys with greater than 2% carbon. They also contain small amounts of other materials such as silicon, sulphur, manganese, & phosphorous. In general it consists alloys of carbon & iron. They are the least expensive of all metals and…
Standards on piping inspection
12 March 2021


Standards for Piping Design and Inspection

Standards for Piping Design and Inspection: The original ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping was first introduced in 1935 as the single document for piping design. In 1955, ASME began to separate the code into sections…
Ultrsonic testing
9 March 2021


ISO Standards for Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Testing In Ultrasonic Testing we use something called “Ultrasonic Vibrations” we must know two facts about a vibration: A vibration is a back and forth movement. A vibration is energy in motion A depression of a surface from its normal position is called a displacement.
Welding procedure specification
21 October 2020


Preheating in Welding Procedure Specification

Preheating in Welding Procedure Specification: Preheating is the act of heating the base  metal before starting to weld. It is considered very essential in high thickness materials, Cr-Mo Steels & HSLA High Speed Low Alloy steels, etc… Here we are going to answer the below topics …
part time QC courses
1 October 2020

blogs, Job Assistance, Training

Part Time QC courses

What is Quality control? Quality Control (QC) is a department in industries which carries activities of quality inspection, testing and ensures Quality of the product is up to the required standards. But the quality control engineers have various up gradation for attaining high paid jobs by…