QC course for mechanical Engineers
7 October 2022


QC course for Mechanical Engineers

Part time QC course for Mechanical Engineers Quality Control and Quality Assurance Department is a satisfying career field, and is one among the core job. Quality Assurance and Quality Control nowadays had become essential in all industries, particularly in manufacturing and construction industries. It may include…
NDT on shafts
5 September 2022


NDT on Shafts

Non Destructive Testing,NDT on Shafts is considered essential , because the shafts are mostly made as load bearing structures, any defects such as cracks will propagate more during acting of load and eventually will cause failure. The most possible defects in shafts are Cracks and…
1 July 2022


Steel Making Process

Steel Making Process Steel is an alloy of iron usually containing less than 1.5% carbon. Steel can be cast into bars, strips, sheets, nails, spikes, wire, rods or pipes as needed by the intended user. Steel making process  at an integrated steel plant involves three basic…
17 June 2022


Material Testing

Material testing Mechanical testing  have been designed to test several weld properties.Few other material testing techniques are Charpy V-Notch Toughness: Notch toughness is the capacity that a material possesses to absorb energy in the presence of a flaw, such as a notch or crack. The material will…
Non Destructive Testing
3 June 2022


NDT institutes in Coimbatore

NDT Training: AQC- Advanced Quality Centre – NDT Institutes in Coimbatore provide World class trainings, certifications & online courses for Non-Destructive Testing, Welding Inspections, Painting Inspections, welding course in Coimbatore, safety trainings & Industrial testing services. The trainings are provided by engineers experienced in…
NDT testing
9 April 2022


NDT Methods Selection

NDT Method Selection: The NDT (nondestructive testing) methods are:   Visual Inspection – VT Liquid Penetrant Testing – LT Magnetic Particle Testing – MT Radiographic Testing – RT Ultrasonic Testing – UT Eddy Current Testing – ET (not used in field inspection) Acoustic Emission Testing –…
welding electrodes
27 January 2022



Classification of welding electrodes consists of a prefix letter “E” specifying an electrode, a group of two or three digits specifying weld metal strength in ksi in the ‘as-weld’ or stress relieved condition, and a final two digits specifying type of covering, weld position…
Course fees for NDT
31 December 2021


NDT Course fees

NDT Course fees depends on the type of NDT Course Selected, such a number of methods and the International standard chosen for the certification The Average course fees for General NDT course will be Rs.17500, This course fees Rs.17500 is for ASNT Level II Certification course…
mechanical testing
3 December 2021


Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of a material are those properties that involve a reaction to an applied load. The mechanical properties of metals determine the range of usefulness of a material and establish the service life that can be expected. Mechanical properties are also used to…
heat treating
22 November 2021


Thermal Treatments (Heat-Treating):

Heat-treating is a term used to describe all of the controlled heating and cooling operations performed on a material in the solid state for the purpose of altering its microstructure and/or properties. The major objectives of the different kinds of thermal treatments are:   Soften…